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Development of a real-time strategy crypto video game

Full time
A full team is needed for the development of a real-time strategy crypto video game. Based on base defense, with characters cards created from scratch, PvE, PvP, and in-game purchases, etc...
Two games are taken as examples: Clash Royale and Warcraft Rumble.
1) For the development of the video game, excluding character design, you would need a specialized team consisting of the following roles:
- Game Developer: Responsible for writing the game's code and programming the mechanics, logic, and gameplay.
- Game Designer: Responsible for designing the overall game experience, including gameplay, levels, and progression systems.
- Graphic Artist: Responsible for creating the game's graphics, including backgrounds, visual effects, and user interface.
- Sound Designer: Responsible for creating sound effects and music for the game to enhance player immersion.
- Frontend Developer: Responsible for implementing the user interface and player experience in the game.
- Backend Developer: Necessary for managing the game's server-side, including user management and data storage.
- Quality Assurance Tester: Responsible for testing and debugging the game to identify errors and ensure it functions correctly.
2) For the character and graphics design of a video game, you would need a specialized team that includes the following roles:
- Character Designer: Responsible for conceptualizing and designing the game's characters, including their appearance, personality, and visual style.
- Concept Artist: Responsible for creating conceptual illustrations and sketches of the characters and environments of the game, providing an initial vision for the development team.
- 3D Modeler: Responsible for converting character designs into digital three-dimensional models, which will then be used in the game.
- Texture Artist: Responsible for applying textures to the 3D models of the characters, providing realistic visual details and enhancing their final appearance.
- Animator: Responsible for bringing characters to life by creating animations, including movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
- Environment Artist: Responsible for designing and creating the backgrounds and environments of the game, including landscapes, buildings, and environmental objects.
- Visual Effects Artist: Responsible for creating stunning visual effects, such as explosions, magic, and particles, to enhance the game's aesthetics.
- UI Designer: Responsible for designing the game's user interface, including menus, icons, and interactive elements, ensuring an intuitive and appealing user experience.
Payment in Crypto
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