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About me
I am a Crypto Arbitrage Bot development expert. skills Blockchain platforms - Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche. DEFI Lending platforms - AAVE, DYDX, UNISWAP. DEXs - UNISWAP, SUSHISWAP, PANCAKESWAP etc. CEXs - Binance,Coinbase,OKX etc. Solidity development platforms - Remix IDE, Hardhat, Truffle, Brownie, Ganache, VS Code Wallets: Metamask,Coinbase,Wallet Connect Experience Project 1 Develop Crypto Arbitrage Bot on dex A and dex B on Aave 1. Take a USDC Flash Loan from Aave 2. USDC/DAI price at dex A greater than dex B 3. sell USDC buy DAI at dex A 4. sell DAI buy USDC at dex B 5. return amount + fees 6. withdraw profit Project 2: Uniswap,Sushiswap Arbitrage Bot using Flash Loan from Aave If Uniswap price greater than Sushiswap, buy ETH on Sushiswap sell on Uniswap for DAI If Uniswap Price less than Sushiswap, buy ETH on Uniswap sell on Sushiswap for DAI Project 3: Polygon Arbitrage Bot using Flash Loan from Aave. The Bot trades WMATIC and DAI, monitoring swap events on Quick

Work experience

March 2023 – August 2023
Job title
Crypto Arbitrage Bot Developer
Work experience & achievements
Crypto Arbitrage Bot developer - dexA dexB Arbitrage with Aave flash loan 1. Take a USDC Flash Loan from Aave. 2. USDC/DAI price at dexA > dexB. 3. sell USDC buy DAI at dexA. 4. sell DAI buy USDC at dexB. 5. return amount + fees. 6. withdraw profit. Setup: 1. Hardhat,Remix IDE,VS Code. 2. Install Aave Core V3,ethersjs,openzeppelin depencies. Smartcontracts: FlashLoan.sol requestFlashLoan() executeOperation() FlashLoanArbitrage.sol depositUSDC(); buyDAI(); depositDAI(); sellDAI(); approveUSDC() allowanceUSDC() approveDAI() allowanceDAI() Dex.sol implements depositUSDC() depositDAI(); buyDAI(); sellDAI();
September 2024 – December 2024
Job title
Crypto Arbitrage Developer
Work experience & achievements
Crypto Arbitrage Bot Developer - Uniswap/Sushiswap Arbitrage Bot. Uniswap, Sushiswap Arbitrage Bot with Aave platform. Flash Loan : Aave Blockchain : Ethereum Language : Solidity Tools : Brownie,Python,Solidity, VS Code. DEXs : Uniswap, SushiSwap Setup: 1. Install Brownie,python,VS Code. 3.Setup ENV vars. 3. Connect MetaMask. 4. SEPOLIA ETH from SEPOLIA Faucet. 5.Program flashloan() getPrice() comparePrice checkIfArbitrageIsProfitab() makeArbitrage() if (uniswapPrice > sushiswapPrice) buy ETH on sushiswap sell in uniswap for DAI if (uniswapPrice < sushiswapPrice) buy ETH on Uniswap Sell on sushiswap for DAI.
January 2024 – May 2024
Job title
Crypto ARbitrage Bot Developer
Work experience & achievements
Crypto Arbitrage Bot developer-Polygon Arbitrage Bot. Polygon Arbitrage Bot trades WMATIC and DAI when a profitable opportunity occurs on QuickSwap, SushiSwap on Polygon blockchain. Flash Loan : Aave Blockchain : Polygon(Amoy testnet, mainnet) Tools : Solidity, Remix IDE, Hardhat Setup: 1. Setup Remix IDE. 2. Polygon Amoy endpoint on Alchemy. 3. MetaMask connected. 4. MATIC tokens from Polygon Amoy faucet. App monitors Swap events on Quickswap, SushiSwap. When an event occurs, liquidity, price difference is checked. If margin is favorable, swap is carried out.


MNM Jain Engineering College
Graduation year: 1999
Level of study
Major / Field of study
Computer Science
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