.Gaming experience
- Dragon nest PC and mobile
- Cabal online
- Ran online
- Dota 2
- League of legend current rank Platinum 1
- Wildrift current rank Gold 1
- Mobile Legends current rank Legend 3
- I don’t have experience playing axie but I have basic knowledge from watching axie streamer conten
2.Can you grind? You wanna make good SLP, one hour is not enough. Tell us how long you can play daily. Not once a month.
- I can grind 4-8 hours that I can meet the SLP daily quota
3) Your character. We are looking for people we can trust and build a team around in the long run. .
- Commitment and dedicate my free time for playing axie even I don’t have experience in this game am willing to learn the basic knowledge, how playing smart that give advantage.
4) What you can contribute to us. Why are you better than everyone else, what makes you stand out? .
- Even I don’t have experience in this axie I can stand out through grind that I can meet the daily quota or higher than.
5) What computer equipment do you use? What is your WiFi like? Place your answers in the DESCRIPTION (sa GIG), attach a resume (even better), then we will consider you. Select FREELANCER and GAMING Category.
- Android phone and laptop
- WIFI (converge)