Hi Good Day Everyone! My name is Angel Kyla Jacob but they used to call me Kakay. I just turn 19 last July 14. Im from Philippine province of bulacan. I used to play some online games since I was in grade school my male cousins always bringing me to the computer shop to play crossfire with them. Then when I become highschool I’ve been addicted to the online game called mobile legends. My mom sister always scolding me because I always sleep late because of that game. But later on they just accept what I want to do. And that is playing some online and offline games. I really love playing because I forget everything I’m thinking.  before I just want to play for nothing, for me to become happy but now I want to step forward I want to earn money to help my family earn money while doing what I want , What I love. And that’s is by applying to this opportunity that CGU gave us.

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