Name: Burt Christian Hungriano
Address: Baler,Aurora 3200,philippines
Age: 30 years old
Gaming Experience and acheivements:
**Defense of the ancient(dota) - 3v3 champion (2010) local competition
1v1 SF( nevermore) champion (2010)local competition
**Counter Strike - 1v1 deathmatch champion (2004) local competition
**Rf Online (Private Server) - become council of ond of the race ( CORA) for more than 1month and had a good relationship with the whole race
**Perfect World Online (Private Server) - 2nd player who crafted rare fist orange weapon
**YuGiOh- casual player but finish different version of it like Joey the Passion and Kaibas Revenge
**Digimon- casual player in Digimon battle online (DBO- mihira server) and collected and evolve some rare digimons like Dorugoramon, Shinegreymon burst mode, Omnimon
Goals: i want to showcase my talent and skills in gaming preferrably in different tactic games likd axie. And i want to prove my competitiveness against other players
I am once an amatuer player in different computer games in our town of baler aurora, i won different local computer games competition like Defense of the ancient (DOTA) and Counter Strike, i also engage in different MMORPG games like RF Online, Perfect World Online,MU online where in i develop my social skills and leaderships skills. I also played tactic games like Gunbound Online, YuGiOh cards online, Digimon Online and it is somewhat similar to the current leading nft game AXIE Infinity that is why i am here formally applying for scholarship in your team and hoping to become part of it and enjoy what i love and passionately doin in my past. I will be honored to become part of you growing team in axie community and i hope my skills will contribute to the development of the team.