Axie Infinity Scholarship

Good Morning, my managers, my name is Clark from Pasig City. I have been an avid gamer since I was a child, starting playing FPS games, this is a new platform of gaming that I need to have some research on since this will be helpful to me gaining different gaming experiences as time passes by. I want to showcase my full potential being desperate to earn SLP's in axie because I want to prove that all of my hard work has a purpose, and this will be the perfect game since I already watched a ton of videos about NFT games such as Axie and My Defi Pet. I pledge to do my best if every given task by our managers and always help my other subordinates strategize to reach the needed quota.

Age: 16

Educational Attainment: Senior High School - Grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Birthday: October 8, 2004

FB Name: Clark Lawrence Martinez

Discord Name: Yeji.

Email: /

Fb Link: (

Device to be used at Axie Infinity: Laptop

Internet: WiFi

Willing of hours that I can spend on online games: 4-9 hours

Terms of work

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