Axie Scholarship

Hello! Im confident to be your scholar, because im fast learner and knowledgeable. I will not fail you as my manager.

Here's my Info.

Name: Nash Mykel A. Cruz

Fb: Nash Cruz

Status: Single

Do you have experience playing Axie Infinity?

No, but i have an idea how to play it.

Where did you know Axie Infinity?

Social media

What gadget you will play Axie Infinity?

Mobile phone 

What internet do you have?


How many hours per day you can dedicate to play?

6-8 hrs

Why we should hire you?

Because i already have experience playing games and, i don't want to waste my free time this pandemic. I also want to earn money to help my mom for our daily expenses and our savings for future. Im a hardworking teenager and knows how to manage my time and my priorities.

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Terms of work

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