Axie Scholarship-CGU

Good day managers! 

I found playing games fun and interesting because it can teach us how to be a critical thinker and problem solver. Our life is comparable to games. why?, because for me in games we must know the skills we need to use in able to slaughter our opponents while in our life, we must know the solutions in able to surpass our problems. In games, we must do everything we need to do accordingly to achieve victory and we all know that in life, in able to achieve our goals, we must have a concrete plan. I have gain knowledge about Axie by researching and watching YouTube and streamers in Facebook. I actually had a list of knowledge I gathered throughout. Although, I don't have experience in playing Axie, I am confident that I will learn fast and do well in playing.

Name: Julie-Anne Lucero

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Location: Mandaluyong City

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Birthday:  July 24, 2000

FB name: Julie-Anne


College Student

Device to be used in playing Axie Infinity: Smartphone/Laptop

Internet: Cellular Data/ WiFi

How many hours per day can you dedicate to playing Axie: 5 to 12 hours

Average SLP per day: 150-200 SLP or up

Terms of work

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