Axie scholarship CGU (Experienced Axie Gamer)

Hello, My name is Cedrick De Jesus, 22 yrs old from the Philippines

I have experience playing Axie Infinity, my highest level reached is level 20 and my MMR is 1395, because not everyday is a lucky day in PVP so my MMR is going up and down like a roller coaster.

Played MLBB for almost 4yrs. Highest rank is mythical glory 643 points

Played Dota 1 in early days,

Played CF,Grandchase,Audition,SF,CODM

Will grind 5-6 hrs to reach the target quota for Axie Infinity for the first 2 weeks of playing then after that it is easy to make the target quota because of higher level axies. ???

Trust-worthy person and Can follow rules.

What makes me stand out is that i have experienced playing Axie infinity and know how the game works. And my highest quota after 2 weeks is 220 slp per day Because sometimes it really depends on the enemy, if the enemy is stronger than my axie, i still try my best to defeat him.

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