Axie Scholarship Registration Crypto Gaming University

Axie has been popular these days, and the exchange amount of the cryptocurrency in Axie has skyrocketed lately. This is why I am looking for an Axie scholarship. I know of my own limits and whatnot, but I assure the provider of scholarship that I am strategic and great at other games too.

Gaming experiences:

PC Games

League of Legends - Highest Rank Diamond II with 40+ LP

                                     - Current Rank: Platinum I with 100LP (2-0 series) with only 11 wins

Valorant                     - Highest Rank: Silver I with 20+ RR

                                     - Current Rank: Silver II with 10 RR

CSGO                          - Silver IV

Apex Legends          - Currently unraked (Level 13)

Dota II                        - Unranked (I have only played like 10 games)

Genshin Impact     - Up to AR 15 only (not playing it currently)

Mobile Games

Mobile Legends - Highest Rank: Mythic with 100 points

 COD Mobile       - BR Rank: Pro II

                               - Multiplayer Rank: Elite II

LOL: WildRift      - Unranked (not playing it too much)

To be honest, I have not played Axie before. However, I have watched some Axie tutorials and gameplay, and I want to say that it is very strategic. I believe I am suitable for this since I have played a lot of strategy-based games. 

Reasons to choose me:

First of all, I am a student at Philippine Science High School -- one of the most 'prestigious' high schools in the Philippines, and I believe that it is to my advantage that I am exposed to a school that prioritizes critical thinking; Axie Infinity is a strategic game, and thus requires critical thinking. Secondly, I am determined and dedicated to something once I focus myself on it, and right now I want to focus on grinding for Axie Infinity. To add to that, I believe that I am a gamer with many experiences across different games; most of which are strategy-based games. Lastly, I think I am approachable and easy to communicate with. 

Hours dedicated to playing the game:

If I were to give a range, it would be from 5 hours to 7 hours.


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