Blockchain | Web | Mobile App Developer

Experienced Blockchain & Web & Mobile Developer is adept in bringing forth expertise in the development of Blockchain & Websites & Hybrid Mobile Apps. Equipped with a diverse and promising skill-set which are listed below. Proficient in various Blockchain app & Website Frameworks & Hybrid Frameworks. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive team.

My main skills are

- Frontend: React/Redux/Next.js/Gatsby/GraphQL/[login to view URL] CSS/Material UI/TypeScript/Three.js

- Backend: Node.js/Strapi/ Express.js/Nest.js/Golang/ RESTful API

- Blockchain

✓ Smart Contract, DeFi, in Ethereum, Solana, Avax, Wax, Algorand, Polygon,BSC, Polkadot

✓ DApps development ; Solidity/Rust + web3.js/ethers.js

✓ Solidity, Rust, Golang, C++, Java, Python

✓ Integration with crypto wallets such as Metamask.

What I can do for you:

✓ Creating an exchange Trading platforms with 3rd part liquidity API, Margin trading etc. like [login to view URL], [login to view URL], or [login to view URL]

✓ NFT marketplace, Defi/Dapp Development, DeFi Consulting (swaps, liquidity pools, borrowing and lending, yield farming, impermanent loss, governance tokens)

✓ NFTs (ERC-721, ERC-1155, Flow, BSC, Polygon, Rarible, Opensea, Nifty, etc)

✓ ICO| STO| IEO- Developing from scratch + Marketing

✓ Smart Contract (ERC20 + ERC21) and Audit

✓ IOT solutions using blockchain such as in Farming

✓ Peer to peer platform

✓ Wallet development (HOT /COLD/ETHER/P2P/ ETH WALLET)

✓ Cryptocurrency Pricing Website

✓ Crypto Arbitrage

✓ Forking coin

- Database: MongoDB/ Fire store/ MySQL/ PostgreSQL

- Project Management: GitHub / GitLab/ JIRA/ Trello/ Zoho

- Mobile app: Flutter, React Native

- Desktop application : ElectronJS (React/Angular/Vue), Python

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Terms of work
10000 hour delivery

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