CGU Apply Axie Infinity Scholar

Good day Manager, I'm looking for scholarship 

Name: Jhun Icee Ayop 

Age: 19 

Gender: Male 

Location: Barangay Kaligayahan Smile Annex Quezon City


Civil Status: Single 

Nationality: Filipino 

Occupation: Unemployed 

Device: PC, Android Phone 

Average slp per day: 75-120 

Dedicated playing time: 8-12 hours 

Game Experience: I have experienced to play Dota/Ragnarok/Cabal/RanOnline/LoL/Valorant/ML/COD 

Do you already have experience playing Axie Infinity [Yes/No]: 

• Yes, my Friend has an Axie and he helps me to learn more by allowing me to play Arena in Axie. 

How well do you know the game mechanics: 

• I am always watching ruthlessredge and other streamers to gain more ideas in gameplay and I am reviewing the cards, buffs and debuffs and other types of axies. 

Reason why we should choose you: 

• I am always willing to learn
• Willing to reach the daily quota
• I am honest and patient
• Willing to cooperate and no demands 

Why should we hire you? 

I'm hard working and industrious person, so I assure you that I will do what is assigned task to me, aside from that, I'm trustworthy and very eager to learn. I also need this to help my family and also to help myself to grow and experience new things and to be able to communicate with other people in CGU. I can offer to be active in CGU and respect my fellow members and specially the CGU Staffs. 

Thank you so much and have a great day !

Terms of work

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