Good day Manager! Applying for Scholarships Gaming Experience: -Mobile Legends -Call of Duty -Pubg -Lol -Ros -Dragon City -Farmville Internet: Wifi Device to used Axie Infinity : Android Phones / Laptop Do you already have an experience playing axie infinity? - I haven't play axie infinity but I am willing to learn more about this game. I have a pre - knowledge about axie infinity through watching youtube and streams. How many hours can you dedicate playing axie? : - Until i reach my quota everyday approximately 5 - 7 hours Reason why you should choose me as a player: -If you will choose me as part of your team I can invest my time and effort to aim the goal of our team. I am also a fast learner and willing to learn more. I will be a responsible and trustable scholar. This can help me to support my tuition fee. Thank you

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