I could farm bosses/artifacts for you, complete quests plus achievements. I could also build your characters such as leveling up their talents, levels and finding the best weapons/artifacts for them. I could also farm primogems and I could try my hand on the abyss floors 9-11 depending on your characters and may go above (unknown).
Also if I could have access to other games you guys are interested and in need for help in then I will try my luck on them. Just remember contact me before you send an order.
PRICES RANGE it depends on what am told to do and how long it takes however it starts at $5 and we could we could talk this out before ordering.
Don't worry the safety of your account gmail and passwords are in good hands and won't be used in other stuff beside what am told to (example: to log in to genshin.) so I hope that we could build trust together.
than you and wish you all the best in your gaming life!
see you travelers!