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It’s hard to remember what I wanted to be as a child. My dreams were always changing and molding. At one point or another, I wanted to be an astronaut, artist, and train conductor. Thank you, Thomas the Train. However, I distinctly remember the moment, I decided I wanted to be a special education teacher.

My brother, Bobby, is 12 years younger than me. Therefore, I was very hands-on in every aspect of raising him. So, our brother-sister dynamic is a bit skewed. I’ve always watched him grow and protected him. Therefore, I was the first to notice that reading was much harder for him than it should be. In fact, all his classes were. At first, my parents did everything they could think of to help him succeed. Nothing worked.

Eventually, my brother was diagnosed with a severe learning disability. His struggle with reading was at times painful to watch. Being his sister and protector, I started to volunteer in his special education classroom. Over time, I began to admire the determination of his special education teachers and acknowledge the difficulties of teaching children with learning disabilities. Each child is unique and special and their learning journey is as well. As I was entering my Freshman year of high school, I knew without a doubt I wanted to be a special education teacher.

Throughout my high school career, I volunteered in the special education classroom, getting as much hands-on experience with the children as possible. I also started actively researching different learning models and styles, trying out different ones during my tutoring sessions to see the effectiveness.

In addition to maintaining a 3.8 grade point average, I actively tutor special needs children in and around my community. I even started a club to help get more students involved. Additionally, during my senior year of high school, I started taking college courses just to prepare myself for the challenges that college would bring.

While I know that specializing in special education in college will be a difficult road, I anticipate the challenge in education and classroom techniques that my major will bring. I look forward to becoming an innovator in the special education field to help children like my brother succeed.

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