I provide my clear descriptions about python tumor detection machine learning , where I do develop new project python algorithm machine learning data processing from this guide example here at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tumor-detection-using-classification-machine-learning-and-python .
Here one of my image show the output files based on index data processing algorithm as diagnosis , id , radiusmean, texture_mean , perimeter_mean ,area_mean, between others as your can see . I can provide the zip project python complete based on this guide develop for someone interested . There the page geeks for geeks tumor detection has script algorithm divide the dataset into train and test set
The other image show apply Decison Tree Classifier that apply tabulating the results data Frame algorithm , Decision tree Classifier Method Accuracy.Also the data decison tree has x_train and y_train method with data predict x test and y . So the next final image has descriptions provided about data frame class pandas python for columns on relation to the output files index data tumor detection . I can help to someone with this type of project interest .Thanks for choose my Gig medical python machine learning post ...