Senior Java, React, Blockchain, Frontend Engineer

  • Frontend Development: Expert in React.js, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Backend Development: Proficient in Java, JPA Hibernate, MyBatis / iBatis, Spring / Spring MVC/ Spring Boot, RESTful APIs, and microservices architecture.
  • Blockchain Technologies: Extensive experience with Ethereum, Solidity / Go / Rust, Smart Contracts, NFT / DeFi / DAO, web3.js, ethers.js, solana-web3 and blockchain integration.
  • Performance Optimization: Skilled in code optimization, lazy loading, and efficient state management.
  • Development Tools: CI/CD, Kubernetes, Git, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, Azure, Webpack.
  • Testing & Debugging: Jest, Mocha, Cypress, Mockito and Selenium for automated testing and debugging.
  • Agile Methodologies: Strong advocate for Agile practices, including Scrum and Kanban.
Terms of work

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