Build responsive wordpress website

I will create a Personal or Professional Presentation website. up to 5 pages. Delivered to 3 working days.

:: My experience :: 5+ years of experience in developing applications as a freelancer for Android in Xamarin.Android and C# in general. 
In that time i have publish more than 10 free android applications, some with In-App Payments and Ads and some others are being sold with their entire Visual Studio source code. 3
+ years in testing experience on and

:: Education :: 2 Bachelor Degrees in Computing. Moreover i have attended on .Net Development training from the company Agile Actors.
During this 4-month learning program, i have had the chance to build strong theoretical and practical foundations on the .net ecosystem by exposing themselves to C#, T-SQL, WebAPI, ASP.NET, Testing, Asynchronous programming etc. 
Furthermore, during this learning program we have worked in teams on a group project. 

:: Why i love coding :: The first time i saw a programming language i was instantly shocked. I thought, "This is the way we should think in everything, why this isn't in every school on the world"? I really like developing apps and i feel it makes my way of thinking more open minded.

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