I will build NFT minting site on solana

Hello, How are you?. I am looking for a new job opportunity as a blockchain/web/mobile developer with 7 years of experience. My focus is always on building the best secure, reliable, and good User Experience websites.

My skills are

BlockChain: Algorand, Smart contract, Solana, NFT, web3, Polygon, Ethereum

Frontend: React/Gatsby/Next, Vue/Nuxt, Angular, JavaScript/TypeScript/jQuery, CSS/SCSS, Tailwind CSS/Ant Design/Material UI,

Backend: Node.js/Express.js/Nest.js, Laravel, Django, ASP

Database: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Payment: Stripe, Sqareup

Cloud service: AWS, Azure

Git management: GitHub, GitLab

CMS: WordPress, AWS Amplify, Strapi

Testing: Jest, Selenium

Languages: JS/TS, PHP, C#, C++, JAVA, Python

Others: Google Map, Rest, Restful, OAuth

DM me if you are interested.

Best regards.

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