Logo Design • Bronze Level

♥ In the images section, there is a large image showcasing the services offered at this level of the logo design project. I recommend that you definitely save this image because there is no zoom option available on Laborx, and the image is quite large. Right-click on the image and open it in a new tab to view and save it. Thank you ♥️

At the Bronze level, a total of 7 hours is allocated over 4 days for the project. During this time, 1 hour is dedicated to the research phase, where I will focus specifically on market research related to your brand. The goal is to understand the market and identify existing opportunities and threats around the brand. Internal strengths and weaknesses of the brand are also crucial as they will aid in shaping my mindset as a designer during the ideation phase.

After completing the 1-hour research phase, I will move into a 2-hour ideation session. Within this 2-hour timeframe, I will shortlist 6 of the best ideas from the many proposed and present them to you. My expert opinion as a designer will also accompany these 6 concepts to assist you in the decision-making process. Once you select your preferred design, you will have the opportunity to make changes up to 6 times. Finally, the design will be finalized within 4 hours and delivered to you. The entire 7-hour process for the project will be spread over 4 days.

The average monthly rental cost for a property in London is $2,750, in Paris it is $1,760, and in Hong Kong, it’s $1,900. If a graphic designer is willing to accept only $30 for logo design, they would need to create 67 logos at this price within a month just to cover their rent. In other words, designers charging $30 for logos are compelled to spend only a few minutes on your brand's logo so they can have the opportunity to take on more $30 logos.

Logo design is an artistic process; there is no formula or shortcut to achieve an exceptional logo. Time must be spent thinking, designing, reviewing, and critiquing dozens, even hundreds, of ideas repeatedly, in order to ultimately arrive at a very small yet powerful work of art. The shorter the time spent throughout the entire logo creation process, the quality will undoubtedly diminish. The shorter the research period, the lower the quality. The fewer the brainstorming time and initial ideas, the lower the quality. The shorter the time for final version designs, the lower the quality. To achieve an outstanding logo, you need time, experience, and knowledge, and the fee paid for a logo is determined by the degree of these factors.

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