Review. Promotion. Blog Post. Research. ETC - 500 Words

Passion. This will be required from both you and me. Which is why I am likely to turn down a few Gigs from here. Why do creators rush out content that is often either dull, lacking or bad tasting? Usually the dollar signs splashed everywhere and the envy left in the wake of those who were successful before. The race to catch the golden Egg, Ape or newly trending weird token cause auteurs to lose sight of leaving something behind that counts. Something to be proud of. Choosing the alternative to merely pump out a conveyor of rushed or thoughtless drivel. Not my cup of tea. Not my cup of drivel. In fact I do not even drink tea. Or drivel. Coffee is life. 

Bottom line is. The more I feel connected to the art, cause or creator the more passion I flow into my writing. That being said some of those weird looking frogs are pretty dam cute!  More to come. . . 

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