Full-time Android Developer Jobs

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Senior Android Developer

Senior Android Developer

Responsibilities: Design and develop advanced applications for the Android platform. Collaborate with diverse teams to conceptualize, design, and release new features. Address bug fixes and enhance application performance. ...
Full time
Asia +2
Senior/Staff Android Developer

Senior/Staff Android Developer

About OKX: Established in 2017, OKX is a prominent cryptocurrency exchange offering a wide range of spot and derivatives trading services. Leveraging blockchain technology, OKX has transformed the financial landscape by providing diverse...
Full time
APP Developer(Android)

APP Developer(Android)

我们的愿景 作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀(仍在上升🚀),我们在交易、安全 和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。 我们的⽬标是让所有⼈都能参与到加密市场的建设中来,使得最前沿的、最有潜⼒的加密货币项⽬得以安全上线并交易。你有兴趣加⼊这样⼀⽀去中⼼化团队吗? 团队介绍 产品研发团队自成立以来一直秉承用户至上和安全至上的理念,产品不断更新迭代,技术稳中求新。 加入产研团队,你将和一群业内一流的技术伙伴一起,打磨高性能、高可靠、创新不断的全球Top5的平台,在这里,你的发展空间无限,未来可期。 我们正在全球招募更多优秀的志同道合的朋友加入我们,我们理想的候选人:积极主动,逻辑能力较好,有着良好的团队合作和沟通协调能力;具有一定专研精神,敢于挑战自我,勇于解决各种未知问题。 岗位职责 负责 Android端 基础组件以及 底层框架库开发和维护工作; 负责基础组件更新和技术升级,以及全业务模块推广落地工作; 把控基础组件使用情况,能随时跟着业务需求进行调整; 对基础组件的高可用性、上线质量、代码质量有较高的要求; 工作主动性强。如 主动发现问题,主动解决问题,主动协助解决问题,主动预测风险等; 积极服从公司及Team Leader的各项安排,以促进团队的顺利运作和项目的顺利推进。 任职资格 计算机或相关专业,5年左右 Android 开发经验,精通 Android 平台APP开发; 精通 Java、Kotlin 语言,精通 IO、多线程并发和运作机制、JVM 原理; 精通 Android Framework 常见的系统机制原理,如...
Full time
Senior Engineer - Mobile(Growth/Compliance)

Senior Engineer - Mobile(Growth/Compliance)

Who We Are At OKX, we are dedicated to leveraging technology to shape the future. Established in 2017, we are transforming global systems through our innovative digital asset exchange, Web3 portal, and blockchain...
Full time
Hong Kong
Senior Android Engineer

Senior Android Engineer

About the Company Flipster is a pioneering trading platform that fosters connections between investors and opportunities within the world of cryptocurrency. With an emphasis on uncovering exclusive opportunities, the platform offers high-performance tools...
Full time
Seoul, South Korea
Android Engineer - Cash Team

Android Engineer - Cash Team

About Us Our company is a rapidly growing Ethereum liquid staking protocol focused on decentralization. With a strong community and substantial Total Value Locked (TVL), we are continuously evolving our platform. ...
Full time
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Senior Android Engineer

Senior Android Engineer

Binance is a prominent global player in the blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency space, providing a wide range of financial products, notably the world’s largest digital-asset exchange. The organization is dedicated to propelling the adoption of...
Full time
Senior Staff Android Engineer

Senior Staff Android Engineer

About Our Company We are a trailblazing company called OKX that is revolutionizing global systems through our advanced digital asset exchange, Web3 portal, and blockchain ecosystems. Our mission is to establish a more...
Full time
San Jose, USA
Senior Android Engineer, Payment

Senior Android Engineer, Payment

About Us** OKX is a progressive company that is transforming global systems with our leading-edge digital asset exchange, Web3 portal, and blockchain ecosystems. We strongly believe in using blockchain technology to create a...
Full time
San Jose, USA
Senior Android Engineer

Senior Android Engineer

Blockchain.com is a prominent software platform for digital assets, committed to creating an open and fair financial future. Our engineering team is at the forefront of revolutionizing the financial services industry, empowering millions of individuals...
Full time
Miami, USA