Project Overview

  • Describe the purpose and scope of the project.
  • Specify the target audience and intended impact of the content.

Content Requirements

  • Detail the topics to be covered and any specific subtopics.
  • Provide guidelines on the tone and style (formal, casual, technical, etc.).

Research and Sources

  • Outline any required research sources or materials.
  • Specify whether primary research is needed or if existing sources suffice.

Structure and Organization

  • Provide an outline or suggested structure for the content.
  • Highlight key points or sections that require emphasis.

Language and Translation Needs

  • Specify the original language of the content and the desired languages for translation.
  • Provide any glossaries, style guides, or specific terminology requirements.

Deadlines and Milestones

  • Clearly state the project timeline, including deadlines for drafts and final delivery.
  • Identify any interim milestones for review and feedback.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Clarify the preferred mode of communication (email, meetings, etc.).
  • Specify key contacts and their roles (project manager, subject matter experts, etc.).

Budget and Resources

  • Discuss budget constraints, if any, and allocation of resources (research tools, software, etc.).
  • Outline any logistical considerations (access to specific databases, permissions, etc.).

Quality Assurance

  • Detail expectations for quality control and proofreading.
  • Specify if third-party review or editing is required.

Additional Requirements

  • Include any miscellaneous requirements such as formatting guidelines, file formats, or other specific needs.

By covering these points thoroughly in your project briefing, you can ensure clarity and alignment between stakeholders, writers, and translators, setting the stage for a successful outcome.

Terms of work
6 hour delivery

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