i will provide English to Arabic translation

Hi, my name is Freddy Ross, and I offer a freelance, high-quality English to Arabic translation service with quick turnaround times.

With over 400 million speakers worldwide, Arabic is the fifth most spoken language and the official language of 26 countries in the Middle East and Africa.

The economic growth of Arabic-speaking countries has accelerated in recent years; the Arab world now has a combined GDP of $2.8 trillion.

That being said,

By repurposing the content you write, you can get the most out of it.

One way to repurpose your content is to publish it in a different language.

Your content will be available in two languages instead of one, allowing you to enter new markets since that will increase the number of countries you operate in, thus making your content available to a wider audience.

Your website will be indexed by local search engines. This will make it easier for traffic to find you using search engines they are familiar with, in their language.

If your content is about marketing a product or service, being indexed on local search engines can help improve conversion in the local markets since it is easier for consumers to search for your website using search engines and online marketplaces in your target region.

Opening up language to Arabic-speaking markets will be key to your business's success in faster international expansion into the Arab world.

My service applies to:



-Product descriptions on your ecommerce platform

-Product Data Sheets

-Opt-in pages

-Ad copywriting for Google ads and Facebook ads

-Surveys for market research

-e-mails in your autoresponder and e-mails for your email list

My service does not apply to:

 -specialisms in study areas

-complex medical terminology documentation, clinical trials, biotech and pharmaceutical industry documents

-technical documents such as contracts, patents, discovery documents, compliance documentation, corporate communications, and financial reports.

-Very technical official or administrative documents that require special and

in-depth knowledge of legal terminology and the legal framework.

-Substantial works of literature, such as novels

My service costs $0.05 per word.

This is the lowest fair price per word for the quality you are going to get; the going rate is double what I am asking here per word.

Terms of work

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