
My name is Semin Ambongan, a Freelance Web Designer/Graphic Artist . Are you in need of advertisement for your business (including your products & services) or even job posting online, which can easily be seen by your prospect client? Not a problem anymore. Let me help you by providing you a very professional looking website. It's very affordable and hassle free on your part.
This can only be done in 5 to 7 working days. All you need to do is to submit all the materials needed for the website project (ex. Company Logo & Profile and Contact details together with the photos of your products and services.). Much better if you will include the testimonials of your existing clients to make very eye appealing.

I will personally update you regarding on the website project and I am very happy to attend all your request pertaining on the website project. Regarding on the designs, templates of the website, I'll show it to you for your approval.


It will be a great honor of helping you in boosting your business online.

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Terms of work
3 hour delivery

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