
Mia & SophiaEK
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Hourly rate
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About me
Welcome to our profile! With an unwavering enthusiasm for the art of language, we specialize in delivering high-quality writing, editing, and proofreading services, translations and professional transcription of cinematic content. Our mission is to assist you in refining your content to reach its full potential. Whether you require need engaging copy, polished articles, error-free documents, and transcribing films and video clips. We are committed to transforming your vision into reality with precision and clarity. Our dedication to exceptional work ensures that your message stands out, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Together, we can craft compelling content that not only resonates but inspires. Your words hold power, and we are here to make them truly remarkable.
We make sure that all the contents are written by human beings not AI.
If you need further assistance with your profile, don't hesitate and message us.
Work experience
Salam Multi-Campus School
May 2019 – Current time
Job title
Researcher, Test and Task Designer
Work experience & achievements
Aarhus University
Graduation year: 2023
Level of study
Major / Field of study
Teaching English as Foreign Language