
Carl Phillip

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About me
I work for an Auto Glass Shop as an Inbound Sales Virtual Assistant with 2 years of experience and an aspiring entreprenuer. My goal is to work on a stable job with a competitive salary, save funds, pursue my own Web3 lending business, and become financially free so I would no longer worry about food and bills.

Work experience

Vetro Auto Glass
June 2022 – Current time
Job title
Inbound Sales VA
Work experience & achievements
With over 2 years of virtual work experience and a track record of initiative and dependability, I have devised strategic initiatives that will prove valuable in telemarketing, appointment setting, bookkeeping, and customer service. Throughout the course of 332 end-of-day reports during my first year as an Inbound Sales VA, I've greeted 2,615 customers over the phone where I managed to convert and book 1,021 of them into appointments with an average order value of $432.18 having a turnover of $441,255.78 in gross revenue. I am a capable and consistent problem-solver skilled at prioritizing and managing work orders with proficiency. In my previous role, I contributed collaboration and critical thinking toward team efforts. I am progressive-minded and have proven to be effective and collaborative with strong communication talents.
Hammer Maritime Incorporated
March 2018 – December 2021
Job title
Ordinary Seaman
Work experience & achievements
We handle ship maintenance and mooring during arrival and departure as a team. I got my license as an Officer-in-Charge in Navigational Watch after my first contract as an OS. I then decided to remain inland in 2021 and work from the comfort of my home to be with my loved ones.


Capitol University
Graduation year: 2016
Level of study
Major / Field of study
Marine Transportation