Can't find answers with AI? Let me help you

If you are struggling with finding proper answers from the AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, tell me what  you are trying to develop, and I could help you find some proper answers by giving AI the best and most proper prompts.

I myself have developed a web application program, which was mostly done with the help of the AI chatbots, especially ChatGPT, and when I say I know how to give a prompt to these chatbots, that means that I actually do know how!

I have made a project management web app, which was literally a Persian clone of the 'Trello' app, and it was done by the huge help of ChatGPT. I have used Golang for the back-end and React for its front-end. (Link :

If you are interested, here are my contact info :

Email :
Telegram Id : @shoya_alm

Terms of work
2 hour delivery

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