About This Gig
Please, contact me first before your order to confirm my availability!
**DO NOT** Order without contacting me!
contact; TG;ย
That bot is only for telegram platform! Not a facebook/whatsapp/etc!
I'll create custom Telegram bot for you.
The bot will do exactly what you want, if possible.
For example:
- It can help you manage your channel / group: automatically send messages, delete messages, delete links, etc.
- Bot may work by script with user, ask him questions, write answers to database, send results do you, save something to google docs, etc.
- Bot may have different API integrationsย - Google Docs, e-mail, etc.
- Bot may accept payments with Telegram's payments system.
- Bot can get info about Crypto (price, 24h highest, 24h lowest)
- Bot may send captcha when user joins a group (anti-bot) - button/image/math
- Bot can respond by keywords to messages
- Bot may work as a FAQ for your business
(Bot functions are not limited by this. I'm coding it so it's flexible)
Email: joshuadavid7089@gmail.com
Discord: Jeng mark#6415
Bot is hosted by me for free.
If you want to host it yourself, I can set it up on Your server / help with it.
Free 3-month support, bug fixed and small edits. #AI #chatbot #textbot #paraphrase #cryptobot #blockchain #telegrambot