Sell your NFT with good description

How long have you listed your NFTs for sale? Have you recieved any offers or interest in your work?

Selling an NFT is challenging if you don't already have a customer base. As with anything else, you need to find your customers. They won't come just because you published something on a site or auction.

If you are unknown artist, it can make it more challenging to sell your NFTs. You should promote your NFTs on social media platforms. These include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and NFT marketplaces. If you do not, it can limit your visibility. 

Forming a supportive community around your art can boost your NFT sales. Talking with other artists, collectors, and fans can help. It can create a network of potential buyers.

Does your description communicate the value proposition of your NFT?

NFTs with a clear description sold at price that is 30% higher!

A description on a NFT listing is the copy that explains what the NFT is and why it’s worth purchasing. The purpose of a description is to inform buyers. It tells them the details they care about, such as the NFT's story. This info makes them want to buy.

Great NFT descriptions focus on users. They show your work to real people, not only to search engines.

I help your reader imagine what it would be like to own your NFT. I use words that describe what your NFT is about and how owning it will elicit a certain feeling.

I add mini-stories to your NFT descriptions with persuasion techniques. So your ideal buyers forget they are being sold to.

Are you looking for someone who writes NFT descriptions? for social media, NFT marketplaces, or landing pages. What are you waiting for? I can solve your problem. Buy this Gig to get started.

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