Junior Product Manager

Full time
Compensation is not specified
Product Manager


作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀(仍在上升🚀),我们在交易、安全 和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。



产品研发团队自成立以来一直秉承用户至上和安全至上的理念,产品不断更新迭代,技术稳中求新。 加入产研团队,你将和一群业内一流的技术伙伴一起,打磨高性能、高可靠、创新不断的全球Top5的平台,在这里,你的发展空间无限,未来可期。



  • 主导或参与公司各产品(包括交易、理财、量化、社交等)的规划和设计工作;
  • 调研市场及跟进竞品动态,挖掘新的增值场景和需求,提升产品竞争力;
  • 负责上下游团队沟通和产品开发落地的推动。


  • 2年以上互联网产品经理工作经验,有互联网C端成功产品设计案例;
  • 具备一定的项目管理经验,系统的产品规划设计能力、较强的推动项目落地能力,出色的协同和解决问题的能力;
  • 熟练掌握主流产品设计工具,能熟练使用Axure、office等软件工具,完成详细PRD文档撰写, 原型图设计;
  • 思维活跃,逻辑条理清晰,能明确的表达自己的想法和见解,善于与其他部门同事沟通;
  • 熟悉金融、证券、期货交易行业优先,对金融、证券行业有强烈兴趣。


我们崇尚价值⾄上的原则,您的知识、愿景和⾃主性将在这⾥充分发挥, 我们专注于使⽤最好的产品和服务来赢得全球客户的赞誉,并将去中⼼化的理念带到世界各地。

我们的价值观包含正直、洞察、创新、求知与合作,在Gate.io ,我们致⼒于打造独特的Gate风格,并寻找与Gate.io价值观相契合的你。


Gate.io成⽴于2013年,是领先的加密货币交易所之⼀,在全球范围内提供 与多种领先数字资产交易相关的服务。Gate.io拥有超千万的注册⽤户,被认为是全球最安全和最可靠的加密货币平台之⼀。 Gate.io已经过区块链透明度验证,根据流动性和交易量 ,⼀直稳居全球⼗⼤加密货币交易所⾏列(CoinGecko)。

Skills Required
Bronze client
Company size
Not specified
Hong Kong
Established in 2013, Gate.io is world top 10 exchange platform,It is a full-service digital asset exchange platform covering millions of users around the world. The company prides itself on providing industry-leading security in addition to having been audited to show 100% proof of reserves. Gate.io operates in most countries across the world, and is always committed to complying with the applicable laws where it operates.

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Campus Marketing Representative - Universiy of Pennsylvania

Part time
Campus Marketing Representative - University of Pennsylvania 
Partial Remote and On Campus
About Brave
Brave is on a mission to protect the human right to privacy online. We’ve built a free web browser that blocks creepy ads and trackers by default, a private search engine with a truly independent index, a browser-native crypto wallet, and a private ad network (opt-in!) that directly rewards you for your attention. And we’re just getting started. Already 50 million people have switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Millions more switch every month.
The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tells us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back. Join us!
Brave is looking for students to help support Brave’s Campus Events Program. Campus Representatives should be passionate about Brave, leaders amongst their peers, and experts in campus life. They’ll be responsible for brand activations at their schools, identifying opportunities to showcase Brave, and educating their peers on the benefits of using the Brave browser.
Grow Brave’s awareness by hosting events on campus and touting the benefits of Brave with peers
Collaborate with the Brave marketing team on campaign ideas and engaging activations that meet objectives and drive impact
Ideate and design on-campus events; host events and/or participate in existing campus events such as hackathons, study sessions, etc.
Conduct product demos at events, and share feedback and insights back with the Brave marketing team
Promote Brave to your fellow peers through social media
Share specific sign-up links to drive Brave downloads and usage at your school
Participate in pre-event communication and post-event feedback reports
Stay in communication through one-on-one meetings or Slack conversations weekly with team leads
Current undergraduate/graduate student at University of Pennsylvania
Must be enrolled in at least 50% of in-person classes
Major in business administration, marketing, and sales with a strong interest in event planning
Able to commit at least 2-8 hours per week to host events with students on your campus (and ideally much more)
Able to receive and store program deliveries including event materials and swag
Actively involved in campus organizations and communities
Effective communicator who enjoys networking with others
Reliable and willing to learn and grow
Excited about Brave 
Eligible to work in the US and no sponsorship required
Working at Brave
Welcoming, humble, ridiculously smart teammates, and a truly flat org structure
Opportunity to get experience at a hyper-growth company, and revolutionize the web
Oh, and did we mention Brendan, our CEO & co-founder, invented JavaScript?
The hourly rate for this role is the city’s minimum wage: 
$1600.00 per quarter is possible.

Campus Marketing Representative - University of Pennsylvania - Pittsburg

Part time
Campus Marketing Representative - University of Pennsylvania - Pittsburg
Partial Remote and On Campus
About Brave
Brave is on a mission to protect the human right to privacy online. We’ve built a free web browser that blocks creepy ads and trackers by default, a private search engine with a truly independent index, a browser-native crypto wallet, and a private ad network (opt-in!) that directly rewards you for your attention. And we’re just getting started. Already 50 million people have switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Millions more switch every month.
The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tells us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back. Join us!
Brave is looking for students to help support Brave’s Campus Events Program. Campus Representatives should be passionate about Brave, leaders amongst their peers, and experts in campus life. They’ll be responsible for brand activations at their schools, identifying opportunities to showcase Brave, and educating their peers on the benefits of using the Brave browser.
Grow Brave’s awareness by hosting events on campus and touting the benefits of Brave with peers
Collaborate with the Brave marketing team on campaign ideas and engaging activations that meet objectives and drive impact
Ideate and design on-campus events; host events and/or participate in existing campus events such as hackathons, study sessions, etc.
Conduct product demos at events, and share feedback and insights back with the Brave marketing team
Promote Brave to your fellow peers through social media
Share specific sign-up links to drive Brave downloads and usage at your school
Participate in pre-event communication and post-event feedback reports
Stay in communication through one-on-one meetings or Slack conversations weekly with team leads
Current undergraduate/graduate student at University of Pennsylvania - Pittsburg
Must be enrolled in at least 50% of in-person classes
Major in business administration, marketing, and sales with a strong interest in event planning
Able to commit at least 2-8 hours per week to host events with students on your campus (and ideally much more)
Able to receive and store program deliveries including event materials and swag
Actively involved in campus organizations and communities
Effective communicator who enjoys networking with others
Reliable and willing to learn and grow
Excited about Brave 
Eligible to work in the US and no sponsorship required
Working at Brave
Welcoming, humble, ridiculously smart teammates, and a truly flat org structure
Opportunity to get experience at a hyper-growth company, and revolutionize the web
Oh, and did we mention Brendan, our CEO & co-founder, invented JavaScript?
The hourly rate for this role is the city’s minimum wage: 
$1600.00 per quarter is possible.

Campus Marketing Representative - University of North Carolina - Charlotte

Part time
Campus Marketing Representative - University ofNorth Carolina -Charlotte
Partial Remote and On Campus
About Brave
Brave is on a mission to protect the human right to privacy online. We’ve built a free web browser that blocks creepy ads and trackers by default, a private search engine with a truly independent index, a browser-native crypto wallet, and a private ad network (opt-in!) that directly rewards you for your attention. And we’re just getting started. Already 50 million people have switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Millions more switch every month.
The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tells us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back. Join us!
Brave is looking for students to help support Brave’s Campus Events Program. Campus Representatives should be passionate about Brave, leaders amongst their peers, and experts in campus life. They’ll be responsible for brand activations at their schools, identifying opportunities to showcase Brave, and educating their peers on the benefits of using the Brave browser.
Grow Brave’s awareness by hosting events on campus and touting the benefits of Brave with peers
Collaborate with the Brave marketing team on campaign ideas and engaging activations that meet objectives and drive impact
Ideate and design on-campus events; host events and/or participate in existing campus events such as hackathons, study sessions, etc.
Conduct product demos at events, and share feedback and insights back with the Brave marketing team
Promote Brave to your fellow peers through social media
Share specific sign-up links to drive Brave downloads and usage at your school
Participate in pre-event communication and post-event feedback reports
Stay in communication through one-on-one meetings or Slack conversations weekly with team leads
Current undergraduate/graduate student at University ofNorth Carolina -Charlotte
Must be enrolled in at least 50% of in-person classes
Major in business administration, marketing, and sales with a strong interest in event planning
Able to commit at least 2-8 hours per week to host events with students on your campus (and ideally much more)
Able to receive and store program deliveries including event materials and swag
Actively involved in campus organizations and communities
Effective communicator who enjoys networking with others
Reliable and willing to learn and grow
Excited about Brave 
Eligible to work in the US and no sponsorship required
Working at Brave
Welcoming, humble, ridiculously smart teammates, and a truly flat org structure
Opportunity to get experience at a hyper-growth company, and revolutionize the web
Oh, and did we mention Brendan, our CEO & co-founder, invented JavaScript?
The hourly rate for this role is the city’s minimum wage: 
$1600.00 per quarter is possible.

Campus Marketing Representative - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Part time
Campus Marketing Representative - University ofNorth Carolina - Chapel Hill
Partial Remote and On Campus
About Brave
Brave is on a mission to protect the human right to privacy online. We’ve built a free web browser that blocks creepy ads and trackers by default, a private search engine with a truly independent index, a browser-native crypto wallet, and a private ad network (opt-in!) that directly rewards you for your attention. And we’re just getting started. Already 50 million people have switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Millions more switch every month.
The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tells us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back. Join us!
Brave is looking for students to help support Brave’s Campus Events Program. Campus Representatives should be passionate about Brave, leaders amongst their peers, and experts in campus life. They’ll be responsible for brand activations at their schools, identifying opportunities to showcase Brave, and educating their peers on the benefits of using the Brave browser.
Grow Brave’s awareness by hosting events on campus and touting the benefits of Brave with peers
Collaborate with the Brave marketing team on campaign ideas and engaging activations that meet objectives and drive impact
Ideate and design on-campus events; host events and/or participate in existing campus events such as hackathons, study sessions, etc.
Conduct product demos at events, and share feedback and insights back with the Brave marketing team
Promote Brave to your fellow peers through social media
Share specific sign-up links to drive Brave downloads and usage at your school
Participate in pre-event communication and post-event feedback reports
Stay in communication through one-on-one meetings or Slack conversations weekly with team leads
Current undergraduate/graduate student at University ofNorth Carolina - Chapel Hill
Must be enrolled in at least 50% of in-person classes
Major in business administration, marketing, and sales with a strong interest in event planning
Able to commit at least 2-8 hours per week to host events with students on your campus (and ideally much more)
Able to receive and store program deliveries including event materials and swag
Actively involved in campus organizations and communities
Effective communicator who enjoys networking with others
Reliable and willing to learn and grow
Excited about Brave 
Eligible to work in the US and no sponsorship required
Working at Brave
Welcoming, humble, ridiculously smart teammates, and a truly flat org structure
Opportunity to get experience at a hyper-growth company, and revolutionize the web
Oh, and did we mention Brendan, our CEO & co-founder, invented JavaScript?
The hourly rate for this role is the city’s minimum wage: 
$1600.00 per quarter is possible.

Campus Marketing Representative - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

Part time
Campus Marketing Representative - University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign 
Partial Remote and On Campus
About Brave
Brave is on a mission to protect the human right to privacy online. We’ve built a free web browser that blocks creepy ads and trackers by default, a private search engine with a truly independent index, a browser-native crypto wallet, and a private ad network (opt-in!) that directly rewards you for your attention. And we’re just getting started. Already 50 million people have switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Millions more switch every month.
The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tells us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back. Join us!
Brave is looking for students to help support Brave’s Campus Events Program. Campus Representatives should be passionate about Brave, leaders amongst their peers, and experts in campus life. They’ll be responsible for brand activations at their schools, identifying opportunities to showcase Brave, and educating their peers on the benefits of using the Brave browser.
Grow Brave’s awareness by hosting events on campus and touting the benefits of Brave with peers
Collaborate with the Brave marketing team on campaign ideas and engaging activations that meet objectives and drive impact
Ideate and design on-campus events; host events and/or participate in existing campus events such as hackathons, study sessions, etc.
Conduct product demos at events, and share feedback and insights back with the Brave marketing team
Promote Brave to your fellow peers through social media
Share specific sign-up links to drive Brave downloads and usage at your school
Participate in pre-event communication and post-event feedback reports
Stay in communication through one-on-one meetings or Slack conversations weekly with team leads
Current undergraduate/graduate student at University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign 
Must be enrolled in at least 50% of in-person classes
Major in business administration, marketing, and sales with a strong interest in event planning
Able to commit at least 2-8 hours per week to host events with students on your campus (and ideally much more)
Able to receive and store program deliveries including event materials and swag
Actively involved in campus organizations and communities
Effective communicator who enjoys networking with others
Reliable and willing to learn and grow
Excited about Brave 
Eligible to work in the US and no sponsorship required
Working at Brave
Welcoming, humble, ridiculously smart teammates, and a truly flat org structure
Opportunity to get experience at a hyper-growth company, and revolutionize the web
Oh, and did we mention Brendan, our CEO & co-founder, invented JavaScript?
The hourly rate for this role is the city’s minimum wage: 
$2800.00 per quarter is possible.