Senior Web3 Engineer

Full time
Compensation is not specified
Frontend Engineer

Company Description:

Ethena Labs is developing the first synthetic dollar on the Ethereum blockchain to generate yield. The team consists of industry experts from both traditional finance and crypto engineering backgrounds, with experience at well-known firms such as Cerberus, Wintermute, Flow Traders, Deribit, Paradigm, Aave, Blockdaemon, and Kaiko. Ethena Labs is backed by prominent exchanges and trading entities in the crypto space.

Job Details:

We are designing derivative infrastructure that will enable Ethereum to become the Internet Bond through delta-neutral derivatives positions. Our goal is to create the first crypto-native, yield-bearing synthetic dollar called sUSDe. We strongly believe that developing a synthetic dollar that is not reliant on existing banking systems is the most important problem to solve and presents the biggest opportunity in the crypto industry today.

In addition to USDe, we are building a broader ecosystem of products including fixed and floating rate internet bonds and composable repo leveraged markets.

If you are interested in working on this disruptive product and joining a founding core team, we encourage you to apply. We are particularly interested in candidates based in EST, GMT, CET, or EEST time zones.

Team Details:

Our team consists of 16 members, with 8 engineers. We have a diverse mix of experienced individuals from both Web3 and traditional finance backgrounds, including Wintermute, Blockdaemon, Capital One, Flowtraders, Bebop, SIX, and Aave. Although our team is geographically distributed, we connect daily and everyone has their own set of responsibilities. We prioritize engineer onboarding and provide full support to help you quickly get up to speed. Collaboration, efficiency, and our shared mission to bring disruptive products like USDe, the Internet Bond, and supporting elements to the market are fundamental to our team culture.

Candidate Requirements:

We are seeking an Engineer with a passion for building products and applications in the decentralized finance (Defi) space. The ideal candidate will be excited about joining a founding team and be instrumental in taking a product from inception to completion. Additionally, applicants should have at least 2 years of experience in developing front-ends for decentralized applications, with the ability to showcase prior work. Curiosity and a strong interest in the intersection between cutting-edge technology and financial concepts are highly valued.


As part of our team, you will work on our React Web3 application, enabling users to mint and stake USDe. You will also be involved in developing our off-chain backend infrastructure using Python, which includes listening for events and managing custody positions and order routing. You will collaborate with custody and exchange providers to ensure ongoing solvency and equity positions of internal accounts. We encourage creativity in pushing the boundaries of Defi design. Additionally, you will work closely with cross-functional partners, mentor team members, and refine technical and architectural skills.


The ideal candidate should have:

  • Strong knowledge of full-stack modern Javascript, specifically React and Typescript
  • Strong Python skills
  • Demonstrated experience and expertise in working with GraphQL
  • Familiarity with NextJS and TailwindCSS frameworks
  • A keen design sense, attention to detail, and the ability to implement frontend designs accurately
  • Expertise in Web3 libraries and tools, such as Viem, Wagmi, and The Graph
  • Understanding of concepts like caching, edge functions, and RPC providers that are crucial for efficient frontend development in Web3
  • Fluent written and spoken English skills

Engineering Stack:

Frontend: React, NextJS, Wagmi, Viem, TailwindCSS

Backend: Python, AWS, GraphQL, Vercel

Salary Range: $125,000 - $175,000 per year

If you are passionate about separating the dollar from the state, we invite you to apply. We appreciate your application and will be in touch after reviewing it.

Skills Required
Company size
Not specified
Ethena provides derivative infrastructure in order to transform Ethereum into the first crypto-native yield bearing synthetic dollar which is not reliant on the banking system: USDe

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Big Data Operations Engineer

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作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀(仍在上升🚀),我们在交易、安全 和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。
产品研发团队自成立以来一直秉承用户至上和安全至上的理念,产品不断更新迭代,技术稳中求新。 加入产研团队,你将和一群业内一流的技术伙伴一起,打磨高性能、高可靠、创新不断的全球Top5的平台,在这里,你的发展空间无限,未来可期。
能对平台的各个组件,如hadoop, yarn,Kafka,flink,doris,mysql,pg等进行配置优化;
熟悉大数据平台,有大数据搭建和运维经验,有AWS EMR平台经验者优先;
熟悉Hadoop生态组件,了解底层原理,有配置调优经验,如Hadoop、Yarn,Flink、Kafka等; 4、了解数据分析型SQL语法, 有SQL优化经验者优先;
我们崇尚价值⾄上的原则,您的知识、愿景和⾃主性将在这⾥充分发挥, 我们专注于使⽤最好的产品和服务来赢得全球客户的赞誉,并将去中⼼化的理念带到世界各地。
我们的价值观包含正直、洞察、创新、求知与合作,在 ,我们致⼒于打造独特的Gate风格,并寻找与Gate.io价值观相契合的你。
Gate.io成⽴于2013年,是领先的加密货币交易所之⼀,在全球范围内提供 与多种领先数字资产交易相关的服务。Gate.io拥有超千万的注册⽤户,被认为是全球最安全和最可靠的加密货币平台之⼀。 Gate.io已经过区块链透明度验证,根据流动性和交易量 ,⼀直稳居全球⼗⼤加密货币交易所⾏列(CoinGecko)。

android developer

Yangon, Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar
Part time
We are currently seeking a skilled Android Developer to join our team. In this role, you will be responsible for developing cutting-edge Android applications.
- Collaborate with a team of developers to design and develop Android applications
- Participate in all phases of the app development lifecycle, from planning to testing and deployment
- Implement best practices for mobile application development
- Troubleshoot and debug applications to ensure optimal performance
- Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the Android development community
- Proven experience as an Android Developer, with a strong portfolio of mobile applications
- Solid knowledge of Java and Kotlin programming languages
- Experience working with Android SDK, API integrations, and third-party libraries
- Familiarity with agile development methodologies
- Excellent problem-solving skills and a keen eye for detail
- Strong communication and teamwork abilities
If you have a passion for mobile development and are excited about building innovative Android applications, we would love to hear from you. Apply now and join our dynamic team of developers!
Payment in Crypto

DevOps Engineer

Full time
Wallet on Telegram is your gateway to the world of digital currencies, specially tailored for individuals in emerging markets. We understand the complexities and intimidation often associated with existing crypto solutions, which is why we've designed the Wallet to be the ultimate user-friendly platform for managing finances. No need to open a traditional bank account or wrestle with convoluted crypto exchanges and wallets.
Leveraging the power of advanced blockchain technology, Wallet delivers a seamless onboarding experience into the crypto ecosystem. It enables users to effortlessly store, send, and receive digital currencies, all via the familiar interface of Telegram. Managing your finances becomes as simple as sending a message.
At Wallet, we're committed to using technology to disrupt traditional banking systems, providing our customers with more flexible and inclusive financial services. Whether you're a crypto novice or seeking to simplify your digital finance experience, Wallet is crafted with your needs in mind.
We are seeking a DevOps Engineer with at least 2 years of experience across different companies to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will be passionate about automating processes, setting up and tuning infrastructure services, and supporting development and QA teams. This role involves being on-call for production issues and requires strong troubleshooting and logical thinking skills.
Automate repetitive tasks to enhance efficiency.
Set up, configure, and optimize infrastructure services.
Assist developers and QA with requests related to services, environment variables, deployment pipelines, and dashboards.
Serve as a duty DevOps engineer, handling routine tasks and being on-call for production issues.
Resolve production and development issues, leveraging strong troubleshooting skills.
Adjust and rewrite Prometheus alert expressions to be non-flapping and algorithmic.
Understanding of networking fundamentals.
Proficiency in Linux OS, including system metrics and filesystems.
Experience with PostgreSQL.
Experience with load balancers (we use Nginx/Traefik, AWS ELB/NLB).
Familiarity with cloud services, preferably AWS.
Skilled in container orchestration using Docker and Kubernetes.
Experience with CI/CD processes, specifically with GitLab.
Knowledge of observability tools like Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics, Grafana, and ELK/EKF/OpenSearch.
Experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using Ansible and Terraform.
Scripting abilities in Shell and Python.
English proficiency at an intermediate level (B1), capable of technical communication.
(Optional) Experience with Kafka, ClickHouse, RabbitMQ is a plus.
Why it is a fantastic opportunity:
Our business is growing at an exponential scale.
Work in a well-funded startup environment with unique growth opportunities and a chance to join a rapidly growing company with a unique product.
Be based remotely.
Participation in the performance review and bonus programme.
Compensation for medical expenses.
Provision of necessary equipment.
Annual vacation of 20 working days plus 10 paid days off.
14 days of paid sick leave to support your health and recovery when needed.
Access to internal English courses for continuous learning and improvement in language skills.
Wallet is an equal opportunity employer.

Site Reliability Engineer

Full time
Wallet in Telegram is your gateway to the world of digital currencies, specially tailored for individuals in emerging markets. We understand the complexities and intimidation often associated with existing crypto solutions, which is why we've designed the Wallet to be the ultimate user-friendly platform for managing finances. No need to open a traditional bank account or wrestle with convoluted crypto exchanges and wallets.
Leveraging the power of advanced blockchain technology, Wallet delivers a seamless onboarding experience into the crypto ecosystem. It enables users to effortlessly store, send, and receive digital currencies, all via the familiar interface of Telegram. Managing your finances becomes as simple as sending a message.
At Wallet, we're committed to using technology to disrupt traditional banking systems, providing our customers with more flexible and inclusive financial services. Whether you're a crypto novice or seeking to simplify your digital finance experience, Wallet is crafted with your needs in mind.
We are seeking a Site Reliability Engineer with a foundational experience of at least 2 years and exposure to different company cultures. The role is perfect for someone passionate about building reliable, scalable systems and eager to automate operational processes. You'll collaborate with our development and QA teams to design resilient service architectures and tackle challenges related to system reliability and efficiency. This position requires a proactive approach to system monitoring, a knack for automation, and readiness to handle occasional on-call duties to swiftly address production issues.
Develop and maintain infrastructure solutions that meet our current and future needs.
Simplify our operations by automating common, repetitive tasks.
Support development and QA teams by setting up environments, services, and deployment workflows.
Participate in incident management, including on-call rotations, to quickly resolve production issues.
Use troubleshooting skills to solve complex problems, with a focus on minimizing system downtime.
Improve monitoring and alerting systems to catch issues early and reduce unnecessary alerts.
Basic understanding of networking concepts and their application in a dynamic environment.
Good knowledge of Linux OS, focusing on system metrics and basic performance tuning.
Practical experience with PostgreSQL, including basic configuration and maintenance tasks.
Familiarity with load balancers like Nginx/Traefik and AWS ELB/NLB to ensure service availability.
Experience with AWS cloud services and understanding their role in building scalable applications.
Experience with Docker and Kubernetes, focusing on container management and deployment.
Understanding of CI/CD principles and experience with tools like GitLab to facilitate code integration and deployment.
Knowledge of monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) to keep tabs on system health and performance.
Experience with IaC tools like Ansible and Terraform for managing infrastructure as code.
Comfortable with scripting in Shell and Python to automate tasks and improve workflows.
English proficiency at an intermediate level (B1), comfortable with technical discussions.
(Optional) Exposure to messaging systems like Kafka and RabbitMQ is a plus.
Why it is a fantastic opportunity:
Our business is growing at an exponential scale.
Work in a well-funded startup environment with unique growth opportunities and a chance to join a rapidly growing company with a unique product.
Be based remotely.
Participation in the performance review and bonus programme.
Compensation for medical expenses.
Provision of necessary equipment.
Annual vacation of 20 working days plus 10 paid days off.
14 days of paid sick leave to support your health and recovery when needed.
Access to internal English courses for continuous learning and improvement in language skills.
Wallet is an equal opportunity employer.

Product Strategist

Full time
We believe Ethereum has the potential to solve some of humanity’s most crucial coordination issues. Since our initial inception as a research group, we have sought to scale both its technology and values.
At present, the most pressing bottleneck to the growth of Ethereum is its performance and scalability. We are building the most elegant solution to this problem. We do this in the open (under an MIT open source license) because we believe in open source innovation and its ability to accelerate growth.
OP Labs is building Optimism mainnet, and by extension, the infrastructure that powers all OP-Stack chains. We are improving Ethereum’s performance by orders of magnitude and donating the profits from doing so to funding Ethereum public goods. By operating as a Public Benefit Corporation, OP Labs can align its incentives with the public good and take positive-sum steps toward a sustainable future for the internet.
We’re looking for a practical and deep-thinking Product Strategist to help craft our “emerging technology” product strategy. Today, the Superchain is the leading L2 ecosystem w/ over 10M MAUs. This role will ensure the Superchain stays at the forefront of innovation, consumer UX, and security by defining, and executing, its path to adopt new and emerging technologies.
The Superchain is rapidly evolving: blobs, permissionless fault proofs, and (coming soon!) native interoperability. Many new and exciting technologies hold promise to further differentiate the Superchain and expand the design space of what’s possible with L2s. This role will enumerate, prioritize, evaluate, and, eventually, help integrate these technologies into the Superchain.
What are the role responsibilities?
Define the vision, strategy, and product roadmap to grow the Superchain by incorporating emerging technologies such as ZKPs, shared sequencing, AI, and more
Have the technical chops to run and benchmark emerging technologies
Dig-in to Githubs, Discords, and community channels to separate signal from noise
Build lasting relationships with “frontier tech” teams to stay up-to-date on their latest developments and bring them into the Superchain
Educate the Collective on the the current state of relevant technologies and their long-term value to the Superchain
What skills do you bring?
5+ years writing production code in crypto with an emphasis on smart contracts and infra
ELI5 emerging technologies and their long-term value to our existing products
Experience identifying and interacting with the best teams in crypto
Deep strategic thinking coupled with clear, pithy writing
What will you like about us?
We take care of our employees. Competitive compensation, fully paid medical, dental, and vision, and a 4% 401K match—learn more about our benefits, culture, and all recruiting FAQ here:
We take pride in the accomplishments of our teammates and support each other in doing the best work of our careers.
Our team is a diverse group of people from varied backgrounds. We cherish our eclecticism and consider it a great strength.
We’re fully remote, deeply engaged, highly skilled, and like to have fun.
We think long-term. Our founders have been scaling Ethereum since 2015.
We strongly encourage candidates of all different backgrounds to apply. We believe that our work is stronger with a variety of perspectives, and we’re eager to further diversify our company. If you have a background that you feel would make an impact at Optimism, please consider applying. We’re committed to building an inclusive, supportive place for you to do the best work of your career.