Web, Mobile & Software Dev Jobs

Check out 302 Web, Mobile & Software Dev Jobs.
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Full-Stack Software Engineer - Trust Team

Full-Stack Software Engineer - Trust Team

Are you skilled in both front end and back end engineering, with a strong attention to detail and a knack for setting high standards? Are you enthusiastic about working on various aspects of software development,...
Full time
Zürich, Switzerland
Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer

About the Company: A pioneering fintech firm, Circle is at the forefront of the evolving internet of money. Enabling instant and cost-effective global value transfer, Circle's innovative technology fosters inclusive economic growth...
Full time
Washington, USA
Partner Success Manager, Developer Growth

Partner Success Manager, Developer Growth

About The Role Due to an exciting internal promotion, a Partner Success Manager is needed to join the Developer Growth team. This individual will play a pivotal role in meeting customer success goals...
Full time
Sydney, Australia
Tech Lead (Payments team)

Tech Lead (Payments team)

Wallet in Telegram is your gateway to the world of digital currencies, specially tailored for individuals in emerging markets. We understand the complexities and intimidation often associated with existing crypto solutions, which is why we've...
Full time
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Principal Product Manager

Principal Product Manager

Circle is a financial technology company operating at the forefront of the emerging internet of money, facilitating the seamless transfer of value akin to digital data globally, rapidly, and at a lower cost compared to...
Full time
Atlanta, USA
Software Engineer

Software Engineer

About Keyfactor Our goal is to establish a connected society based on trust, providing identity-first security for all machines and individuals. Keyfactor aids organizations in swiftly ensuring digital trust on a large scale...
Full time
Independence, USA
Mobile Unity Engineer (313)

Mobile Unity Engineer (313)

Info on the Mobile Unity Engineer Are you seeking advancement in your international career? Here at Ubiminds, we can assist you in reaching your goals. Join our GPTW certified company, where we prioritize...
Full time
Florianópolis, Brazil
Senior Front End Software Engineer

Senior Front End Software Engineer

Responsibilities: Develop and enhance React components based on provided designs, implementing new features, bug fixes, and improvements. Conduct comprehensive code reviews, identifying issues and suggesting enhancements to maintain high-quality standards. ...
Full time
Big Data Operations Engineer

Big Data Operations Engineer

我们的愿景 作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀(仍在上升🚀),我们在交易、安全 和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。 我们的⽬标是让所有⼈都能参与到加密市场的建设中来,使得最前沿的、最有潜⼒的加密货币项⽬得以安全上线并交易。你有兴趣加⼊这样⼀⽀去中⼼化团队吗? 团队介绍 产品研发团队自成立以来一直秉承用户至上和安全至上的理念,产品不断更新迭代,技术稳中求新。 加入产研团队,你将和一群业内一流的技术伙伴一起,打磨高性能、高可靠、创新不断的全球Top5的平台,在这里,你的发展空间无限,未来可期。 我们正在全球招募更多优秀的志同道合的朋友加入我们,我们理想的候选人:积极主动,逻辑能力较好,有着良好的团队合作和沟通协调能力;具有一定专研精神,敢于挑战自我,勇于解决各种未知问题。 岗位职责 负责大数据平台搭建,运维,管理,故障处理; 负责保障大数据平台的高效运转,稳定,安全,能给出集群升级和扩展等方案; 能对平台的各个组件,如hadoop, yarn,Kafka,flink,doris,mysql,pg等进行配置优化; 负责大数据任务上线和部署,熟悉任务执行常见问题,制定应急方案。 任职资格 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上工作经验; 熟悉大数据平台,有大数据搭建和运维经验,有AWS EMR平台经验者优先; 熟悉Hadoop生态组件,了解底层原理,有配置调优经验,如Hadoop、Yarn,Flink、Kafka等; 4、了解数据分析型SQL语法, 有SQL优化经验者优先; 熟练掌握Msql,postgresql,Elasticsearch,doris等数据库的运维工作; 有良好的沟通能力,学习能力,书面表达能力,高度自驱。 Gate价值观 我们崇尚价值⾄上的原则,您的知识、愿景和⾃主性将在这⾥充分发挥, 我们专注于使⽤最好的产品和服务来赢得全球客户的赞誉,并将去中⼼化的理念带到世界各地。 我们的价值观包含正直、洞察、创新、求知与合作,在Gate.io ,我们致⼒于打造独特的Gate风格,并寻找与Gate.io价值观相契合的你。 我们的公司 Gate.io成⽴于2013年,是领先的加密货币交易所之⼀,在全球范围内提供 与多种领先数字资产交易相关的服务。Gate.io拥有超千万的注册⽤户,被认为是全球最安全和最可靠的加密货币平台之⼀。 Gate.io已经过区块链透明度验证,根据流动性和交易量 ,⼀直稳居全球⼗⼤加密货币交易所⾏列(CoinGecko)。
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