Writing and Translation Jobs

Check out 57 Writing and Translation Jobs.
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Racing Analyst

Racing Analyst

Overview: Come and be a part of a new chapter with our cutting-edge Racing product at Easygo. Join our Sportsbook team as a Racing Analyst where you can expect a dynamic and innovative environment that...
Full time
Melbourne, USA
Senior Content Designer (UX Writer)

Senior Content Designer (UX Writer)

Who We Are We are at the forefront of transforming global systems with our advanced digital asset exchange, Web3 portal, and blockchain ecosystems. Our goal is to create a more equitable and transparent...
Full time
San Jose, USA
Human Resurce Representative

Human Resurce Representative

We are looking for a detail-oriented HR representative to join our team. The responsibilities of the HR representative include guiding employees through the appropriate on and offboarding policies, following up with current employees, assisting the...
Part time
West Boylston, USA
German Translator (Native speaker)

German Translator (Native speaker)

我们的愿景 作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀(仍在上升🚀),我们在交易、安全 和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。 我们的⽬标是让所有⼈都能参与到加密市场的建设中来,使得最前沿的、最有潜⼒的加密货币项⽬得以安全上线并交易。你有兴趣加⼊这样⼀⽀去中⼼化团队吗? 团队介绍 产品研发团队自成立以来一直秉承用户至上和安全至上的理念,产品不断更新迭代,技术稳中求新。 加入产研团队,你将和一群业内一流的技术伙伴一起,打磨高性能、高可靠、创新不断的全球Top5的平台,在这里,你的发展空间无限,未来可期。 我们正在全球招募更多优秀的志同道合的朋友加入我们,我们理想的候选人:积极主动,逻辑能力较好,有着良好的团队合作和沟通协调能力;具有一定专研精神,敢于挑战自我,勇于解决各种未知问题。 岗位职责 负责公司产品、业务相关文档的德语翻译,按时高效高质量完成翻译任务(月翻译量:约12万源英文单词); 负责更新和维护相关产品的德语术语库; 做产品本地化体验的检查; 其他相关工作。 任职资格 本科及以上学历,德语为母语,另一种语言为英文或中文; 具有一定的翻译工作经验,拥有语言能力证书; 熟练使用CAT工具(Trados,memoQ,Smartling等); 金融、证券、期货、数字货币交易行业翻译经验优先; 工作认真负责,响应及时,有责任心,有较强的学习能力,良好的沟通协调能力。 Gate价值观 我们崇尚价值⾄上的原则,您的知识、愿景和⾃主性将在这⾥充分发挥, 我们专注于使⽤最好的产品和服务来赢得全球客户的赞誉,并将去中⼼化的理念带到世界各地。 我们的价值观包含正直、洞察、创新、求知与合作,在Gate.io ,我们致⼒于打造独特的Gate风格,并寻找与Gate.io价值观相契合的你。 我们的公司 Gate.io成⽴于2013年,是领先的加密货币交易所之⼀,在全球范围内提供 与多种领先数字资产交易相关的服务。Gate.io拥有超千万的注册⽤户,被认为是全球最安全和最可靠的加密货币平台之⼀。 Gate.io已经过区块链透明度验证,根据流动性和交易量 ,⼀直稳居全球⼗⼤加密货币交易所⾏列(CoinGecko)。
Part time
Office Administrator

Office Administrator

We are looking for a reliable Office Administrator. They will undertake administrative tasks, ensuring the rest of the staff has adequate support to work efficiently. The tasks of the office administrator will include bookkeeping and mentoring office assistants. The ideal...
Full time
Johannesburg, South Africa +1
Software Engineer

Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications. You will work closely with a team of engineers and collaborate with stakeholders to deliver high-quality software solutions that...
Full time
Mumbai, India
Operation(Social media& Social community)

Operation(Social media& Social community)

永续合约社媒运营 主要职责: 1、负责日常内容发布和维护,确保内容质量和一致性; 2、监控和分析Twitter账户的表现,优化内容策略; 3、创建有吸引力的图文内容,提升用户互动和参与度; 4、策划并执行小活动,如抽奖、问答、投票及AMA等,增加用户参与度; 5、及时回复用户的评论和私信,处理用户反馈和建议,提供优质客户服务; 6、定期分析Twitter用户数据,制作报告并提出改进建议等。 岗位需求: 1、具有加密货币相关工作经验且基本了解永续合约产品; 2、本科以上学历,且对英文能力要求较高,英文可作为工作语言; 3、具有社交媒体运营经验,熟悉Twitter平台(英文)的运营工作; 4、熟练使用社交媒体管理工具和数据分析工具;具备较强的团队合作精神和客户服务意识。
Full time
Content Operations Specialist / Writer / Editor

Content Operations Specialist / Writer / Editor

As one of the world’s top 10 digital asset exchanges, we provide a best- in-class experience in trading, security, and blockchain product innovation.  We aim to democratize access to the markets for all, making it...
Full time
Binance Accelerator Program - Language and Content

Binance Accelerator Program - Language and Content

The Binance Accelerator Program is a structured program aimed at Early Career Talent to offer them a comprehensive experience in the rapidly developing Web3 sector. Participants will gain insights into the operations of Binance, a...
Full time
Stockholm, Sweden