I can develop web platform including both backend and frontend. If you want, I can develop mobile apps with cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. My available frameworks and tools are as below;
- Backend, APIs: Python-Django/Flask, NodeJS-Express, PHP-Laravel
- Frontend: ReactJS-Redux-Saga, VueJS - Static Website: NextJS, NuxtJS
- Design/Mobile Responsive: HTML5, CSS/SCSS, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Bulma, Ant Design
- Graphics: Pure SVG-Canvas-Javascript, D3JS, P5JS, PaperJS, Chart libraries, ...
- WebGL 3D: ThreeJS, BabylonJS, PlayCanvas
- Geolocation, Map view: Google Map, OSM - LeafletJS, OpenLayers, ...
- DevOps, Cloud computing: Docker-Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, GCP, ..
- Online Payment, Email, SMS - WebSocket, WebRTC