Full-time BD Manager Jobs

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We are currently recruiting for KOL BD (European, US and Singaporean, Canadian base) positions: Offering competitive salaries and fully Remote role! Key Requirements: - Prior experience in the blockchain industry is essential. - This opportunity...
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Senior BD Manager, P2P (Arabic Speaking)

Senior BD Manager, P2P (Arabic Speaking)

Who We Are At our organization, we are passionate about the transformative power of technology. We were established in 2017 and are dedicated to revolutionizing global systems with our innovative digital asset exchange,...
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Middle East Pubnico, Canada
P2P BD Intern

P2P BD Intern

Our Vision  As one of the world’s top 10 (and rising🚀) digital asset exchanges, we provide a best- in-class experience in trading, security, and blockchain product innovation.  We aim to democratize access to the markets...
Full time
BD Intern

BD Intern

Gate.io作为全球⼗⼤数字资产交易所之⼀ ,我们在交易、安全和区块链产品创新⽅⾯提供⼀流的服务体验。 我们的⽬标是让所有⼈都能参与到加密市场的建设中来,使得最前沿的、 最有潜⼒的加密货币项⽬得以安全上线并交易。你有兴趣加⼊这样⼀⽀去中⼼化团队吗? 岗位职责 ◦ 从海内外各社交媒体平台寻找 KOL 线索及联系方式并进行初步合作意向沟通,将有回音的有效线索分配给 BD 进行后续合作洽谈。 任职資格 国内外本科及以上在读/应届 分布式办公,弹性工作时间 对区块链感兴趣,有基础认知优先 逻辑紧密,思路灵活 善于运用海内外社交软件及平台(海外如 Twitter/Telegram/YouTube) ,沟通能力强 有业务端前线展业思维,善于渠道挖掘 Gate.io 成⽴于2013年,是领先的加密货币交易所之⼀,在全球范围内提供与多种领先数字资产交易相关的服务。Gate.io 拥有超千万的注册⽤户,被认为是全球最安全和最可靠的加密货币平台之⼀。Gate.io 已经过区块链透明度验证,根据流动性和交易量,⼀ 直稳居全球⼗⼤加密货币交易所⾏列(CoinGecko)。 我们崇尚价值⾄上的原则,您的知识、愿景和⾃主性将在这⾥充分发挥,我们专注于使⽤最好的产品和服务来赢得全球客户的赞誉,并将去中⼼化的理念带到世界各地。我们的价值观包含正直、洞察、创新、求知与合作,在 Gate.io ,我们致⼒于打造独特的Gate⻛格,并寻找与 Gate.io 价值观相契合的你。
Full time
Broker BD (Europe)

Broker BD (Europe)

Our Vision  As one of the world’s top 10 (and rising🚀) digital asset exchanges, we provide a best- in-class experience in trading, security, and blockchain product innovation.  We aim to democratize access to the markets...
Full time
Broker BD

Broker BD

Our Vision  As one of the world’s top 10 (and rising🚀) digital asset exchanges, we provide a best- in-class experience in trading, security, and blockchain product innovation.  We aim to democratize access to the markets...
Full time
Director, Ecosystem Fund Programs

Director, Ecosystem Fund Programs

Here at MachineFi Lab, we are at the forefront of building the future of the internet and creating a more fair, safe, and rewarding internet of things. We are looking for an experienced Director with...
Full time
Menlo Park, USA
Streamer Manager (Chinese Speaker)

Streamer Manager (Chinese Speaker)

About Us We are an innovative game studio that aims to create cutting-edge AAA entertainment for the modern era. Our team consists of experienced individuals from renowned companies in the gaming industry, including...
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