Polygon Smart Contract implementation and Website Repair
Need to repair a website that has been partially completed by another web design provider who has scammed me.The project has been underway for over a year and the project is not complete. I need someone who actually has talent and can complete the repair of the work in an efficient manner with true ability. Need to:
1.Create a smart contract using polygon and connect that to the website, the smart contract will be sent to my wallet after testing.The smart contract functionality is designed to eliminate the cripto wallet on the site.We have an advertising package and tip function where the user will buy banner ads or send tips to the users and our 5% is taken out from this polygon payment.Everything is run on polygon.Our website charges 5% and the other 95% goes to the user. The person sends the payment and the smart contract fractures the amount sending the correct amount to the user. For example someone sends .1 polygon as a tip, the smart contract need to receive that .1 and send two payments after, the .095 goes to the client and the .005 goes tour the owners of the website. The same for when a banner ad package is purchased and the payment is sent, it is fractured by the smart contract.
2. Do multiple changes to the websites text and usability functions that do not work now like the reset password by email will not work.
3. edit and make working the banner ad and tip functionality and test it to show it is actually working!
Please contact me to learn more about the project and the domain name
Thank you