
Cryptocurrency Jobs Salaries

Cryptocurrency Jobs Salaries

With demand for blockchain experts at an all-time high, salaries are extremely competitive – but even entry-level roles offer attractive remuneration. (updated 18.10.2022)

Top 10 Entry Level Blockchain Jobs

Top 10 Entry Level Blockchain Jobs

The growth of the cryptocurrency market and blockchain sector has created many new jobs and career opportunities. While the top positions are extremely competitive and offer attractive salaries, there are many entry-level roles that pay well and allow those new to the space to get a foot in the door, learn as they go, and progress to more advanced jobs in time. (updated 18.10.2022)

How Do I Get A Job In Cryptocurrency?

How Do I Get A Job In Cryptocurrency?

The fast-growing blockchain and cryptocurrency industry offers a wide range of career opportunities, with developer jobs being particularly sought-after. While anyone can get started at the bottom of the ladder, the top jobs offer six-figure salaries and attractive benefits packages.

What To Consider When Receiving Your Salary in Crypto

What To Consider When Receiving Your Salary in Crypto

With digital currency not only here to stay but looking like it’s going to form an increasingly important part of the mainstream financial ecosystem, many people are looking for ways to acquire bitcoin and other digital assets. Accepting your salary in crypto is one way to build a stake – but there are various factors to consider along the way.

What’s the Future of Cryptocurrency?

What’s the Future of Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are still new enough that their history is still being written. But while there are few certainties, the picture is becoming clearer for the way digital assets will become a part of the mainstream financial landscape.

Top 10 Ways to Earn Crypto in 2021

Top 10 Ways to Earn Crypto in 2021

It’s official: crypto is here to stay. Big corporations and hedge funds are buying bitcoin hand over fist, and the wider crypto market has exploded above $2 trillion in value. The good news is that even at this stage, you’re not too late to the party. If you want to join the crypto movement, there are lots of ways to start and grow your stack of digital assets.

What’s new in LaborX release 1.6.5?

What’s new in LaborX release 1.6.5?

This time, we have a short and simple update, focusing on several features that improve usability – vital as the platform scales and more users look for work and freelancers on LaborX.

All About NFTs – the next big development for digital art

All About NFTs – the next big development for digital art

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are special, unique or limited-edition tokens that can be used to represent collectible items such as art, in-game objects, and digital trading cards – opening up intriguing new use cases and thriving new markets.

The Coolest Jobs in Crypto

The Coolest Jobs in Crypto

As a new and fast-evolving set of technologies, blockchain has also launched a number of new roles and career opportunities for hard-working and imaginative jobseekers.

Jobs that pay in Bitcoin

Jobs that pay in Bitcoin

Online jobs that pay in bitcoin are a fantastic way to source work from anywhere in the world, building a career or supplementing your existing income with no more than a laptop and an internet connection. (updated 03.10.2022)

How do I start studying blockchain and crypto?

How do I start studying blockchain and crypto?

With ever-increasing interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, more and more people are exploring the possibilities of a career in this intriguing field. While a formal qualification isn’t necessary for securing some great opportunities by any means, if you’re starting from scratch you’ll need to know your way around the tech and its implications, and there are some great online courses to help you do just that.

The 15 Most In-Demand Blockchain Job

The 15 Most In-Demand Blockchain Job

A career in the blockchain and crypto industry can be rewarding and fulfilling. A wide range of jobs are available in this new sector, with opportunities for job seekers of all levels.

Announcing LaborX Release 1.6.1!

Announcing LaborX Release 1.6.1!

The latest update has several features that make our platform more user-friendly to everyone, helping broaden the appeal to freelancers and customers outside of the immediate crypto community.

How to pitch your services as Gigs on LaborX

How to pitch your services as Gigs on LaborX

LaborX doesn’t just provide a way for freelancers to display their CVs and customers to upload jobs for them to browse. You can also offer your skills directly to employers in a specific, clearly-defined package with a fixed price – giving them an off-the-peg option for many common tasks they might need.

LaborX Gig Module: New Contract Structure

LaborX Gig Module: New Contract Structure

LaborX recently introduced Gigs – off-the-peg tasks offered by freelancers at a fixed price. Gigs significantly simplify the process of purchasing popular jobs for customers, with the concept popularised by platforms like Fiverr.

Blockchain jobs: where to find them and how much they pay

Blockchain jobs: where to find them and how much they pay

The blockchain industry offers exciting opportunities for those seeking to establish a career in these new technologies – and the rewards are significantly higher for jobs in blockchain than in comparable roles outside the sector.

How do you get a cryptocurrency job?

How do you get a cryptocurrency job?

Jobs in cryptocurrency can offer a series of attractive benefits, from the chance to help build the economy of the future to more tangible, financial rewards.

LaborX: what’s in our latest release?

LaborX: what’s in our latest release?

This update focuses on improvements to the platform’s user experience, helping guide freelancers and employers through the process of finding and organising work together.

The Top 10 blockchain companies

The Top 10 blockchain companies

There are thousands of crypto and blockchain companies, but just a few that make a real difference. Some are seeking to drive massive adoption, others facilitate trading, and others provide indispensable infrastructure and investment. Here is a list of ten crypto outfits that punch above their weight.

What is a blockchain engineer?

What is a blockchain engineer?

The blockchain sector has seen an explosion of career opportunities in recent years, with blockchain developer skills in high demand as more and more companies explore how these technologies can transform their business. (updated 18.10.2022)

The top 10 remote jobs for 2020

The top 10 remote jobs for 2020

While jobs that can be done remotely were once a growing but small part of the economy, working from home is currently the reality for a large swathe of the population.

LaborX Mainnet Release

LaborX Mainnet Release

We are very pleased to announce that LaborX has now been released on the open Ethereum mainnet!

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What are crypto jobs?

Crypto jobs are positions within the crypto, blockchain, and Web3 space. These may involve working directly with decentralised technologies, or they may refer to jobs with companies that operate in this space – whether or not the role involves actually understanding and using blockchain. For example, a smart contract developer, who builds applications that run on the blockchain, a marketing specialist who promotes the product, and an administrator for the company, can all be considered ‘crypto jobs’.

How much do crypto jobs pay?

Jobs in the crypto sector are often well paid. Due to the shortage of qualified and experienced candidates, you can expect your salary to be anything up to 20% higher than in comparable roles in other industries, though the numbers vary. Even internships and entry-level jobs are likely to be reasonably well paid. At the higher end, if the job requires extensive experience (for example, smart contract developer for a top DeFi protocol), salaries can be $250k+.

What are the best jobs in crypto in 2024

The highest-paying jobs in the crypto and blockchain sector are technical roles. Senior developers and smart contract developers are some of the best-paid positions, with salaries typically being $150,000–$250,000, and even higher for the most experienced professionals. Marketing roles are also generally well paid, and numerous jobs have six-figure salaries due to the complexity of the area and the lack of qualified people.