Find Freelance Android Jobs
Check out 11 posted Android Jobs. At LaborX you have a great option to choose a freelance job for Android Apply for a job now and get paid in cryptocurrency.Hello innovative individual pi coin is needed send me a message now 3000 pi is needed
Sell token time fiem 1.5 billion token 130$ dm for information telegram @WhoIamWhoAreYou
28 billion seconds are sold for $1,200. If you are interested, send me a message. Id telegram: @Sina_nejad2
I'm selling 28 billion seconds for $2,000.Real buyer, send a message.This is my ID. @Sina_nejad2
We need a telegram project like hamster and xempire with token on ton blockchain
Dear Freelancers, I am looking for Full Stack Freelancers, who can help us working on multiple tech stack projects for on-going basis. For example, Python/Django, Telegram Bot, AI bot development, ML (Machine Learning), C++ Programming,...
Hello, can you intercept request of an android application which have root detection and ssl pinning? This is the app:
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a robust VPN application featuring the V2Ray protocol for both iOS and Android platforms.You can use similar programs like Foxray iOS app or V2RayNg android app. The app must...
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to request your assistance with a project called "Cashew," which is hosted on GitHub: Cashew is a fantastic project, but it currently uses...
Hello, i have anapp to publish, and i need an app publishers to publishmy app if you have an account to publishmyapp sendme your console link and message me in the request