Find Freelance Exchange development Jobs

Check out 19 posted Exchange development Jobs. At LaborX you have a great option to choose a freelance job for Exchange development Apply for a job now and get paid in cryptocurrency.
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We are seeking a skilled individual who is willing to sell Pi Coin . This role will involve acquiring the Pi cryptocurrency through various methods and channels to support our investment and trading initiatives. Responsibilities:...

Website design similar to

I need a Solana token creation website like but with better graphics and design. Users can create their own unique token by registering on this site. Warning:  Please note that submitting AI-generated proposals...

Design a small Telegram game similar to the TimeFarm bot

I am looking to design a Telegram bot for a game similar to @TimeFarmCryptoBot, which includes the following features: Warning: Please note that submitting AI-generated proposals instead of personal and genuine suggestions may harm your...

Basically here to sell my time farm token

Basically here to sell my time farm token to the Time farm escrow  Sell 80,000,000 time farm token for $15 Sell only to legal buyer. Not here for scam ✅

Experienced Crypto B2B Guru

Welcome to BeBetter Shop – Your Premier Blockchain Advertising and Crypto PR Agency. Specializing in propelling partners in the blockchain niche to the forefront, including SaaS and Tech companies, our goal is to secure a...

Fork Uniswap V3

We need to fork Uniswap V3 on zksync with our design. It needs to have basic swap, pool and farm features with a new page for loyalty program. The loyalty program will award silver, gold,...

create an nft mining website

i need a developer who can help me with my project send me your offers and i will get back to for moreinfo about my project!!!

Blockchain Developer

need blockchain engineer who can work with me for several months. you can receive the payment after finish work. because I am a developer as well.

Tech Lead Frontend

Looking for Tech Lead Frontend (React + web3) to work on projects such as DEX, Bridge  About us: Hawex Group Ltd is a fintech company based in the UK. We are building a dynamically developing...

Fullstack developers for a solidity-based protocol

For an upcoming dApp, we are looking for contract-based developers to assist with accelerating our roadmap. This includes: React web3.js integrations subgraphs smart contract auditing If you have previously worked on a dApp in production...

Development of Dex like Pancakeswap

Looking for full stack Web3 & DeFi developer who has experience in forking a clone of Pancakeswap V2 and Uniswap V3. The project is to create a typical clone of Pancakeswap with all functions including...

looking for Sr. Blockchain Developer

We want to allow the users can buy our token with fiat.  so users can buy our token with visa and mastercard...  if you can do it, plz apply this.