Find Freelance Website Builders & CMS Jobs
Check out 14 posted Website Builders & CMS Jobs. At LaborX you have a great option to choose a freelance job for Website Builders & CMS Apply for a job now and get paid in cryptocurrency.We are in need of pi coin scammersstay away from this post thanks if you can provide us pi coin please apply NOTE: SCAMMERS STAY AWAY
Hello innovative individual pi coin is needed send me a message now 3000 pi is needed
I want a freelancing website with the features of Fiverr or Upwork and a deposit and withdrawal system in digital currency like the laborx website. Warning: Please note that submitting AI-generated proposals instead of personal...
I’m looking for a web developer with the creativity and vision to bring Satoshi v. Goliath, a historical religious thriller inspired by Bitcoin’s mysterious founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, to life online. This isn’t just about selling a book—it’s about creating...
We need a telegram project like hamster and xempire with token on ton blockchain
Payments are possible in crypto and through Madetask platform General Task: we need to embed a CMS to the existing website and make some other changes to it. The current website is is build on Next.jsVisually...
Freelance WordPress Website Developer Job Description: We are seeking a highly skilled and efficient Freelance WordPress Website Developer to create and launch a website within a tight deadline of 3 days. The website will be...
I'm building a WordPress site on the Genesis framework. I've created a custom file field (using ACF) for admins to add a pdf to a post type, called "application". I want the front end user...
I'm looking for a WooCommerce expert developer to create an affiliate plugin. The plugin requirements is attached. Please go through the requirements and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
am looking for a mobile app and software developer or a team who dives into details of my project and who can recommend various solutions based on large experience in Business Applications development you are...
I need a site. to two simple smart contracts And I need two tokens. that the site will be a network marketing platform and it will have the ability to buy and sell nft. And...
Clone a website that a dev disappeared after being paid 100%. Website is live on his GitHub link. Images are available and all text. Basically copy as seen. With exception of media page, that content...