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Check out 9 posted Influencers Jobs. At LaborX you have a great option to choose a freelance job for Influencers Apply for a job now and get paid in cryptocurrency.
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🚀 Calling All Crypto Influencers in Hong Kong! 🚀

🚀 Calling All Crypto Influencers in Hong Kong! 🚀 Are you passionate about blockchain, crypto, and the future of decentralized finance? Join us in shaping the next big movement in Web3! 💎 Introducing UTOP 💎...

Crypto Influencer Partner for UTOP Ecosystem

Job Type: Freelance/Partnership Location: Remote About UTOP UTOP is a cryptocurrency on the Polygon network designed to power the Utopos ecosystem, a visionary platform integrating blockchain, AI, IoT, and metaverse technologies. Our mission is to...

Ticktok or Youtube Crypto Influencer

Looking for crypto influencers to promote our coin on Youtube or Tiktok, Please contact me for more information. 

EX and PT Ⅰ Insider

Get to know the development of EX and PT Ⅰ. Post EX and PT Ⅰ development information on Twitter.

Simple crypto task: Read whitepaper on your Youtube channel

I am marketing for a new project and we have a very simple task for some quick cash. Read entire whitepaper on Youtube. it's not long at all. You can read the whole thing in...

Affiliate Marketers

Hello, I am planning to launch an affiliate marketing program for my service and looking for someone who could be interested to join as an early bird. For early birds who join in the next...

Video Review

Hello, I am looking for someone who can try my software and record a video review. English language is required. Contact me for info.

Youtube Setup

I want to setup a youtube channel. I have a few ideas for the content but I would like some suggestions and direction on which ideas to use.


Looking for promoter to shill our campaigns. Message for more info